The enormous damage that wild fire causes has prompted state officials to
develop a way of reducing exposure and destruction of property. The State of
California has developed the concept of Wildland Urban Interface Areas, WUI .
New building codes known as Chapter 7A now requires that new buildings in the
WUI area high severity zone, be built according to new standards. These new
standards require a way of preventing burning embers from reaching interior
Are you in a
High Fire
Severity Zone?
Click on the map
to find your area.
Attic and crawl space ventilation is needed to prevent dry rot, mildew build-up
and for overall ventilation of the home. At the same time, it is one of the
weakest points when it comes to fire resistance. In fact, these vents can
actually draw burning embers into your vulnerable attic space. Studies of fire
damaged properties show that on many occasions, burning embers and fire
enter structures through the vents and in some cases, well in advance of the
actual fire.
The Vivico FireGuardVent is the best answer to this problem.
Proven and tested by both the independent Western Fire Center lab and the
California state approved lab and accepted by the Office of the State Fire
Marshal, the Vivico FireGuard Vent has been validated to meet and exceed the
requirements of the new building codes. And the FireGuardVent can be
installed with ease. When tested, the all metal Vivico FireGuard Vent closed
and locked within 7 seconds! Currently, no other vent on the market can
match FireGuardVent's performance.
In addition, FireGuardVent is the only vent that can be manually closed.
Fire and ember resistant auto closing vents.
FireGuardVent is a patented product of Vivico LLC, Santa Rosa CA, USA.
Accepted for use by the California State Fire Marshal
Made in the USA!
Click on the animation below to see how the Vivico FireGuard Vent works.
Important Notice! In response to market demand, Vivico LLC is moving corporate offices and manufacturing facilities for large scale production. Please use email to contact us during this move.